Enhancing Quality and Performance through Maintenance

“Recently, service technicians from AMOF Fjell Process Technology AS paid a visit to a trawler to carry out maintenance on a press that was part of our previously delivered compact fishmeal plant (CFP). After a decade of continuous operation, our double-screw press received an upgrade with new screws, a fresh sieve plate, and new bearings. This upgrade ensures that the plant can continue to produce high-quality fishmeal and fish oil, meeting the demand for top-notch seafood processing. We’re committed to delivering excellence in every aspect of our service and maintaining the highest standards in the industry. Here’s to another decade

Enhancing Quality and Performance through Maintenance Читать далее »

Production the first day on fishing ground

Producing high quality fish oil and fishmeal the first day on fishing ground Today our expert team is running our 16th. fishmeal plant on fishing ground for the first time since commissioning. The plant is producing high quality fish oil and fishmeal from day 1. The plant has a capacity of 60tons pr. day of residual raw material (head, trimmings, and gut), and will produce high quality marine proteins and fish oil. The trawler is designed by VARD (Design 8 04) and was built at Vard Vung Tau. First drops of fish oil Fishmeal production the first day of fishing VARD (Design 8 04)

Production the first day on fishing ground Читать далее »

Vi trenger mer av verdiskapningen i Norge

Jan Terje Sønstabø, daglig leder og Vu Hoang Le, salgs- og forretningsutviklingssjef i Amof Fjell Process Technology under verdens største sjømatmesse i Barcelona. Foto: Ole Andreas Drønen – Vi trenger mer av verdiskapningen i Norge Med økte kostnader og forslag om grunnrenteskatt, mener Amof Fjell Process Technology at det har blitt enda viktigere for oppdrettere å kunne utnytte hele fisken. Under Seafood Expo Global i Barcelona fortalte Amof Fjell Process Technology til LandbasedAQ hvordan de ønsker å ta vare på hele verdikjeden og sørge for at oppdrettere selv eier alt råstoffet. – Vi har blant annet møtt torskeoppdretterne Ode her nede. De har

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Container based test dryer

Amof-Fjell Process Technology AS has designed a test drier installed in a 20ft container. The drier is complete with control system, feed inlet and conveyor for dried product. Drier has a range of operation options: Atmospheric drying Drying under vacuum Re-circulation of product The drier is steam driven and can be delivered with a complete separate steam generator in 10ft container. See datasheet: Drier is steam driven and can be delivered with a steam generator in 10ft container. Biomass can be processed into dry powder or pellets to be used as fertilizer or as fuel to drive other processes. The disc

Container based test dryer Читать далее »

Trawler waste into profitable fish products

The AMOF-Fjell fishmeal plant converts fish waste to valuable nutritional products on board fishing trawlers. “The world needs more marine protein and nutrients. Our compact plant helps to increase the yield of these much-needed products,” says Ørjan Jansen, Project Manager at AMOF-Fjell Process Technology. One in three fish caught around the world is either dumped overboard or rots before it can be eaten. “Many fishers are throwing away valuable marine resources. They are also losing money and polluting the marine environment that they depend on,” says Jansen. High-quality fishmeal and fish oilThe AMOF-Fjell compact fishmeal processing plant produces fishmeal and fish oil from

Trawler waste into profitable fish products Читать далее »

Completed commissioning on our 17th. fishmeal plant

Completed commissioning on our 17th. fishmeal plant Our expert team has now completed commissioning on our 17th. fishmeal plant onboard the Faroe Island company Havborg’s new freezer trawler. All parts are running as expected and the plant is ready for sea trail when it leaves the Tersan Shipyard. The CFP-70 will produce high quality marine proteins and fish oil from residual raw material from fish, with a capacity of 70 tons pr. day.

Completed commissioning on our 17th. fishmeal plant Читать далее »

Fishmeal plant onboard fishing vessels

Our 17th. Compact Fishmeal Plant CFP-70

Our 17th. Compact Fishmeal Plant CFP-70 Our 17th. Compact Fishmeal Plant CFP-70 is now ready for commissioning on the Faroe Island company Havborg’s new freezer trawler. The CFP-70 will produce high quality marine proteins and fish oil from residual raw material from fish with a capacity of 70tons pr day. Our expert team is now on site at Tersan for commissioning and testing.

Our 17th. Compact Fishmeal Plant CFP-70 Читать далее »

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