
Production the first day on fishing ground

Producing high quality fish oil and fishmeal the first day on fishing ground Today our expert team is running our 16th. fishmeal plant on fishing ground for the first time since commissioning. The plant is producing high quality fish oil and fishmeal from day 1. The plant has a capacity of 60tons pr. day of residual raw material (head, trimmings, and gut), and will produce high quality marine proteins and fish oil. The trawler is designed by VARD (Design 8 04) and was built at Vard Vung Tau. First drops of fish oil Fishmeal production the first day of fishing VARD (Design 8 04)

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Fishmeal plant onboard fishing vessels

Our 17th. Compact Fishmeal Plant CFP-70

Our 17th. Compact Fishmeal Plant CFP-70 Our 17th. Compact Fishmeal Plant CFP-70 is now ready for commissioning on the Faroe Island company Havborg’s new freezer trawler. The CFP-70 will produce high quality marine proteins and fish oil from residual raw material from fish with a capacity of 70tons pr day. Our expert team is now on site at Tersan for commissioning and testing.

Our 17th. Compact Fishmeal Plant CFP-70 Read More »

Denne lille fabrikken gjør det til et ettertraktet produkt

155.000 tonn fiskeavfall kastes på havet hvert år. Denne lille fabrikken gjør det til et ettertraktet produkt. Gammel teknologi i ny innpakning skal gjøre fiskavfall om til olje- og mel om bord i fiskebåter. Fiskemelsfabrikkene til AMOF-Fjell skaper verdi av restråstoffet som tidligere ble kastet over bord fra fiskebåter. Her er to fabrikker som skal leveres til Russland. Tor Høvik  I en verkstedshall på Ågotnes utenfor Bergen er to fiskemelsfabrikker i ferd med å ferdigstilles. De store maskinene er drøyt 7 meter lange og veier 17 tonn hver. Nå gjenstår bare den siste monteringen og sveisingen, før fabrikkene lastes på

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AMOF-Fjell to delivere Fishmeal plants to Russia

Kompakte fiskemelfabrikker til russiske rederi

Her legger de siste hånd på verket før fiskemelfabrikkene sendes til russiske rederier Innovasjonsbedriften i vest har funnet seg et lukrativt marked i øst. Så langt har Amof-Fjell levert 16 komplette melfabrikker i inn- og utland. Se bilder og video! Av Ketil Svendsen              30. november 2020 5:00 Gjennom døren skimtes en pent fortøyd oljeplattform. I verkstedshallen ruver det som minner om blanke damplokomotiv. To teknikere i røde kjeledresser jobber konsentrert med en ventil. Amof-Fjell har leid seg verkstedshall på CCB-basen i Øygarden kommune utenfor Bergen. Det er første gang selskapet monterer ferdig lokalt. Hele ordren

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Sludge dryer

Sludge treatment

AMOF-Fjell sludge treatment AMOF-Fjell offers complete system for sludge drying. System involves: Filtration Floculation Press Drying up to 98% dry matter Bagging / packaging The system is spechaly designed to handle sludge from fish farming and smolt production. AMOF-Fjell Process Technology has designed a test dryer installed in a 20feet container. The Dryer is complete with control system, feed inlet and conveyor for dried product. The Dryer has a wide range of operation options. Atmospheric drying Re-circulation of product Drying under vacuum (optional – some modifications required) The Dryer can be used for testing of all kinds of raw material

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Næringsrik matolje med anlegg fra AMOF-Fjell

Nutritious cooking oil made with fish meal/oil plant designed and delivered by AMOF Fjell

Nutritious cooking oil made with fish meal/oil plant designed and delivered by AMOF Fjell When the freezer trawlers “Havstrand” and “Havbryn” are out fishing, they make sure to utilize the whole fish in their production. The main part of the fish is freezed and preserved for further processing onshore. The fish offal (head and guts) is forwarded to a fish meal plant to produce fish meal and fish oil. The oil is further refined to a healthy and nutritious cooking oil. The Fish Meal Plants onboard the Havstrand and Havbryn, with the capacity of handling 40tons/day of raw material, are

Nutritious cooking oil made with fish meal/oil plant designed and delivered by AMOF Fjell Read More »

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