AMOF – Fjell Process Technology can offer various types off engineering services
–Drafting service and process equipment design:
We use AUTOCAD and Solid Works in order to generate setting plans, general arrangement drawings, various detail drawings and all kind of fabrication drawings for process industry.
AMOF – Fjell Process Technology can offer design of new pressure vessel and heat exchangers or design study analysis for modification of existing equipment in Norway and worldwide.

– Pressure vessels calculation:
AMOF – Fjell Process Technology can offer mechanical and FEA calculations service of pressure vessels, heat exchangers and subsea equipment in Norway and worldwide.
We can offer design of new pressure vessel and heat exchangers or design study analysis for modification of existing pressure vessels.
For standard pressure vessel calculation, we can offer calculation acc to EN13445 or ASME SECTION VIII Div 1/DIV2, PD5000
For standard pressure vessel calculation, we use various Visual Vesel Design and Bently AutoPIPE (Microprotol), PVElite.
We also use MathCAD / MathCad PRIME to generate calculation reports for pressure vessel parts who are not covered by standard pressure calculation software.

AMOF – Fjell Process Technology – Finite Element Analysis – FEA calculation engineering service
FEA calculation is used when a pressure vessel has complex geometry and loading conditions that traditional methods are unable to evaluate.
For more standardized evaluation we can offer FEA calculation by NozzlePRO software.
NozzlePRO software can evaluate Nozzle on Cylinder,Nozzle on Head, Structural Attachment/lugs, Saddle Supports, Repads,Gussets.
For advance FEA calculation AMOF – Fjell Process Technology can offer calculation made in ANSYS :
-Evaluation based on stress linearization method acc. to EN 13445-3 Annex C or ASME Section VIII DIV2
-Evaluation based on nonlinear plastic-elastic analysis method acc. to EN 13445-3 Annex B or ASME Section VIII DIV2
-High pressure subsea equipment evaluation and optimization acc. to ASME Section VIII DIV2 and API 6A.
-FEA evaluation of pressure vessel and life cycle analysis of new or exiting pressure vessels and possible modification of existing pressure vessels.